Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
Disca 60 Pendant
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Disca 60 Pendant

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Sometimes a luminous apparition seems to come from elsewhere. Disca expresses itself fully in any defined or virtual place. Its flashes of light carry its shapes off to infinity, as they spin on themselves in a Venetian vortex or a Viennese Waltz.


Style Mid-Century Modern
Designer Alberto Nason
Made In Belgium
Material Blown Glass, Aluminum
Cable Length 118"
Certification ETL
Feature LED Lamp

Light Source

Voltage 120V
Lamping 1 x E26 LED / 15W Max
Lamp Type LED
Lamp Included YES
Driver -
Dimming Yes
Cert. ETL



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