Pilke P3070 Pendant
Pilke P3070 Pendant
Pilke P3070 Pendant
Pilke P3070 Pendant
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Pilke P3070 Pendant
Pilke P3070 Pendant
collection > Ketra Ready

Pilke P3070 Pendant

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SKU: SF-P3001

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The inspiration for the Pilke 30/70 came from traditional Finnish shingle work, but Tuukka Halonen upgraded the design to a modern structure made with today’s state of the art technology. Repetition of plywood parts in right angle creates beautiful subtle friction to light. No glue or screws are used. Pilke is a unique, decorative light fixture, giving natural warm light through its wooden structure. The word Pilke is a Finnish word for Twinkle. Pilke 30/70's modern lantern shape compliments many design styles and works well in residential, hospitality and retail settings. Pilke P30/70 provides diffused and direct illumination. Winner of the 2016 Green Good Design Award Made in Finland.


Style Nordic Modern
Designer Tukka Halonen
Made In Finland
Material Natural Wood
Cable Length Max H 118" / 300 CM
Certification UL
Feature LED Lamp, Quick Ship

Light Source

Voltage 120V
Lamping 1 x E26 LED / 15W Max
Lamp Type LED
Lamp Included NO
Driver -
Dimming YES
Cert. UL



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